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Statement of Faith

What We Believe

Genesis Christian School is affiliated with Genesis Christian Church of the Nazarene and supports the statement of faith of the denomination. However, Genesis promotes a non-denominational curriculum that supports the basic tenets of Christianity. The school holds firmly to a traditional concept of education that is dedicated to sound academic instruction while propagating the historic Christian faith. We believe that academic excellence, combined with moral and spiritual training within a caring and supportive atmosphere, will provide a rich educational experience that will result in the growth of the whole person.

We believe that God created, sustains, and will consummate all things through His Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, the universe and all life are dynamically related to Him. The curriculum emphasizes the unity of all truth as God’s truth and encourages each student to develop an eternal perspective for his or her life.

Teachers and Genesis School families do not have to be members of Genesis Christian Church of the Nazarene.  Anyone who finds Genesis Christian School educationally and spiritually compatible with the goals of their family are encouraged to join our school and church community.


  • We believe in One God, The Creator of all things, who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, in His full deity and humanity, His virgin birth and sinless life, His atoning death on the cross, His bodily resurrection, and His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

  • We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who is active in the world bringing about our salvation.

  • We believe that every person must repent, turn away from their sins, and trust in Christ as our Lord and Savior. The old record of sin is wiped clean and they are born anew, thus becoming part of the family of God.

  • We believe that after being born anew, we need the fullness of God’s Spirit in our hearts. When we make a complete commitment to Him, He cleanses our spirit, fills us with His perfect love, and gives us the power to live victoriously.

  • We believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, giving us all we need to know about how we are to be saved.

  • We believe in the Lord’s Supper, instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is essentially a New Testament sacrament, serving as a reminder for us of His sacrificial death.  It is for those who have faith in Christ and who are prepared for reverent appreciation of its significance.

  • We believe Jesus Christ will return and everyone will face the judgment of God with its rewards and punishments.



19150 Helena Ave Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 (Off Midway)


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